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By John Davenport 

If you want to lose belly fat, here are 5 simple tips: 

1. Do more intense cardio workouts -- Most people do long cardiovascular workouts at a steady pace. This is better than nothing but far from excellent. In order to lose maximum stomach fat as fast as possible, you need to do more intense interval workouts like sprinting, fast cycling, running up staircases, and more. These workouts will also be far shorter than the regular workouts most people do, and highly more effective.

2. Exchange your bad fats for good fats -- Everyone need fat in their body but there are good fats and bad fats. If you want to lose belly fat, get your fat from good sources. Good fats can be found in avocados, salmon, tuna, virgin olive oil, almonds, flax seeds, halibut, and walnuts.

3. Cut down on sugary drinks -- One of the most common sources of empty calories which are quickly converted to belly fat are sugary drinks like beer, other alcohol beverages, coca-cola, 7-up, and other sugar rich sodas. Also avoid any juice which isn't made from 100% fresh fruit. Just by drinking healthier, you'll reduce your overall body fat.

4. Drink enough water each day -- People who don't drink enough lack energy, feel over fatigued, and suffer from slower metabolism. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. 

5. Eat lean protein -- You need a healthy amount of protein to feed your muscles and maintain a healthy diet. But if you want to lose belly fat, you need to get them from lean sources like eggs, turkey, chicken breast, tune, salmon, and other fish. 

I hope these 5 tips will help you to lose your stomach fat faster.

Click here for over 30 fitness tips to get you a flat stomach fast

John Davenport was overweight most of his life. He shifted his life around and even managed to get rid of his belly fat and get six pack abs. To read his review of how to get a flat stomach, visit this webpage: How To Get Flat Abs

To read over 20 nutritional tricks which can get your leaner in a hurry, visit the following webpage: http://Truthaboutgreatabs.com

Article Source: 5 Tips To Lose Belly Fat

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